So, after dealing with much pestering from a dear friend, I finally took the plunge and created my own blog! Scary, no? But also, fabulous, exciting, potentially delicious, and definitely an adventure. Let's all take a minute here and pray that what I hope will be a chronicle of yummy food does not become a chronicle of many trips to the emergency room...
A little background on me, your lovely host. I grew up in a small town outside New York City, where from a very young age, I decided I only would eat carbohydrates. I'm not even kidding about this, guys. For a good 5 years I subsisted on Goldfish crackers (cheddar only, with salt added), pasta (preferably without sauce, or the kind that comes in a blue box), green apples, and a creation of my own called a "ketchup sandwich," which was one piece of white bread with ketchup on it, folded in half. BUT, never fear, one day I woke up and realized exactly what I was missing when it came to culinary pursuits, and since then I haven't looked back. My favorite college memories involve traveling to my parent's beach house with a group of friends and cooking (well, watching this amazing girl) cook a delicious meal. So now that I'm out on my own in NYC, I've taken some time to polish old family recipes, try my hand at new ones that I create, and eat as much good food as I can get my hands on...and I'd love it if you joined me for this wild ride!
Welcome to my itty bitty kitchen!
Congrats Elizabeth! I'm very excited to continue reading your blog and having you teach me how to cook!